Effectively lose weight with interval training

With interval training to melt pounds faster than through a continuous Training with moderate intensity. The effective sprint interval training is the most how researchers currently report in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. For the Inexperienced such an intense workout is not recommended, however.

In order to lose weight, experts recommend to train at least seven hours per week. The least, however, in everyday life, so much time for sports. Now a new study shows that interval training could faster lead to the goal: Through a program with alternating stress and recovery phases, for example, intense Sprints and leisurely Jogging, lost in the study participants, within four weeks, an average of 1.58 kilograms. In the case of continuous Training, such as a continuous run with a constant pace, there were an average of 1.13 kg. The researchers advise caution, there’s a workout with high intensity mountains are also risks. Quick Sprints are a burden on the cardiovascular System and are not suitable for all people equally. They also point out that you can give due to the variety of different interval-training programs in the analysis, there is no General recommendation for a particular program. For the study, the researchers analysed 41 studies with 1115 persons, in which the effects of a minimum of four weeks, carried out interval training with a continuous workout of moderate intensity were compared. ZOU