Why are you better twice to the doctor should go

Doctors had earlier easier: thanks to their Status as half-gods in White, a diagnosis was considered to be carved in stone, the question hardly anyone dared. That has changed a long time ago. In the meantime, patients ask themselves consciously and critically, like a physician, in the few minutes that he takes in the doctor’s time, for you, at a reasonable diagnosis.

A fashion word now haunts the waiting room: second opinion. But another trip to the doctor is worth it, or is it in the doubters rather of Internet forums head shy made hysterics?

Probably not, says a new study. Because, according to a study by the “Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice” and in addition, are Physicians at more than 20 percent of their diagnoses. Researchers James Naessens had analyzed for the collection of patient data from the Mayo Clinic in the U.S. state of Minnesota. The scientists recorded how many diagnoses of 286 to the hospital, transferred patients, the physicians were deceived.


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In fact, the diagnoses of the previously treating Physicians agreed in only twelve percent (36 cases) with those of the clinic, the doctors examined the patient again. In 66 percent of the cases (188 patients) were not Doctors, although next to it, the diagnosis could be clarified significantly. And in 21 percent of cases (62 patients) – so about every Fifth set, the practitioner, a very different diagnosis than the patients in the hospital.

Also the type of the false diagnoses, the study authors recorded: In patients with urogenital problems, respiratory disorders as well as mental health problems, the probability was greatest that the diagnoses agreed. The researchers caution but before that, your results in this point to overstate, since the data base of the study was too small.

Nevertheless, the results were quite unique, and Naessens. “If a patient is a serious illness has been diagnosed, it may be worth a second opinion is not obtained – especially if the recommended therapies are striking,” he says.

Although the investigation on the basis of the regional data base is rather limited to General statements. However, the results coincide roughly with those from the previous studies. A large meta-analysis, in 2008, came to 15 per cent misdiagnosis – of about this ratio is also assumed to be in Germany. To do this, art errors, especially surgeons, and orthopaedic surgeons and to which there are also statistics to come: In 2015, more than 2000 treatment were registered in error.

The 2008 calculated percentage is made up of very different data of different disciplines. Because the error rates in pathology, radiology or dermatology were, according to the study, only between two and five percent. Significantly higher error rates were, for example, when reading x-ray images, the researchers wrote at the time.

Slightly higher are the values of a UK study in 2012 determined: Of 1,000 investigated cases of death from ten different hospitals was one-third of the patients with a wrong diagnosis. Five per cent of all deaths would be avoided, according to the researchers. This pneumonia have been overlooked, according to its investigation, especially common diseases, acute renal failure, cancer, or congestive heart failure.