The various forms of autism

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Disorders within the so-called autism spectrum pervasive developmental disorders. It will be between early childhood autism, the Asperger syndrome and atypical autism are distinguished. Because, in practice, increasingly milder forms of the individual interference images to be diagnosed, and the distinction, in practice, always difficult, are the different forms under the term autism spectrum disorder is summarized.

People with autism can have social and emotional signals are difficult to assess and have the same difficulties, these send out. Therefore, their reactions to other people’s feelings seem to rarely appropriate, and they have difficulties in their behavior in a social Situation.

The development of the language use and language comprehension is affected: Autistic people find it hard about your speech melody or Pitch to the Situation. You also use hardly any Gestures, the meaning of a statement to underline.

Everyday tasks run-autistic people usually rigid and matter-of-factly. Typical are repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activities. Children’s collections are concerned, for example, with schedules, or other data. Changes of people’s actions or about the home furnishings can cause autistic problems, and for some violent reactions to worry about.

Early Childhood Autism

The characteristics of the early childhood autism (also Kanner’s syndrome is called) show up before the age of three. Particularly evident bemerkmar the symptoms in the social interaction with others, in communication and repetitive stereotypical behaviors. The expression of the individual symptoms is different from child to child.

Autistic children may initially understand, no gesture, no Smile, no word. You pull back and capsules. Any change in your environment, you are strongly excited. Autistic children can not play and use their toys in the same, often purpose-alienated way. They develop stereotypes: for instance, the Turning and spinning of wheels and other things, the Wag threads or paper.

Autistic children often have ways from infancy to problems with eating and Sleeping and develop self-stimulatory behavior, up to and including self-injury. You are obsessive on certain orders. They refuse to wear certain clothing, always repeat again exhibit a certain behavior or language or Collect excessive certain items. They often bring their parents to despair.

The intellectual talent of autistic children is very different. It ranges from mental retardation to normal intelligence. In some areas, the children often develop amazing abilities, such as in technical disciplines or the music.

It is estimated that up to two are affected in Europe, Canada and the United States of thousands of children from early childhood autism. Reliable Figures on how frequently the disorder occurs in Germany, does not yet exist. Although autism can be inefficiencies with the help of special therapies and training or compensate for, the better. A cure is not possible. Most people with autism need life-long help and support.

In spite of extensive research results, there is as yet no explanatory model that can be fully and conclusively the causes of the early evidence of autism.

From atypical autism speaks, when the disorder only after the age of three noticeable, or if the diagnostic criteria are not met in all areas.

Asperger’s Syndrome

People with Asperger syndrome usually have a normal language development. However, if you have difficulty in communicating have difficulty detecting, as well as the use of facial expressions and gestures and more of a monotone way of speaking. Your ability to clarify through a change in the Tone of voice, by facial expressions or by hand gestures what is being said is impaired.

Often people with Asperger’s syndrome are motor clumsy. Most of them have a normal General intelligence; in part areas of your intelligence may be very high. Often, the diagnosis of Asperger is syndrome in youth or adulthood.