Hair loss can be a natural part of the ageing process, and most of the time, it’s nothing to worry about. We can even lose up to 100 hairs on our bodies every day, without even noticing. But, sometimes losing your hair can be upsetting, and you may want to try your hand at some natural treatments.
One of the easiest ways to lower your chances of hair loss is to apply onion juice to your scalp, it’s been claimed.
The juice contains sulphur, which may play a role in hair regrowth.
Onions also contain antioxidants known as flavonoids, which protect the body from damaging free radicals.
Free radicals are believed to contribute to the ageing process, and could lead to hair thinning, or even loss of hair entirely.
“The idea is that the sulfur in onion juice helps hair regrowth,” said medical website WebMD.
“There’s not much research on this, but a small study tested it in people with alopecia areata, which causes patchy hair loss.
“Half put onion juice on their scalp twice a day; the rest used tap water. After two weeks, 74 per cent of the onion juice group had regrown some hair, compared with 13 per cent of tap water users.
“If you try it, you might want to add something that masks the smell.”
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If you do decide to try adding onion juice to your daily schedule, you can easily make your own supply at home.
Peel around four onions, and chop them into small chunks.
Either squeeze the onion yourself to get the juice, or you can use a juicer, said medical website Medical News Today.
Failing that, you can put the onion pieces into a blender, and make a paste.
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Simply apply the juice to your scalp directly, or the roots of your hair.
Meanwhile, you could also lower your chances of hair loss by adding more avocado to your diet.
Avocado is rich in vitamin E; an antioxidant that helps to promote hair growth, he added.
It works by protecting the scalp from damage. Damaged skin can lead to poor hair quality, and subsequently hair loss.
Hair loss treatment: Apply this oil to your scalp
Losing your hair isn’t necessarily something to be worried about.
But, on rare occasions, it could be a tell-tale sign of another medical condition.
You should speak to a doctor if you suddenly start losing your hair, or if you develop bald patches.
There are other treatments for hair loss – including transplants – but they aren’t available on the NHS, and you’ll need to pay for them.
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