The mum of a student who died after taking apple cider vinegar pills has warned others about the product.
Lindsey Bone, 20, was following a strict diet plan, which included fasting and taking diet pills.
She was also on anti-depressant and anxiety medication, but the amount found in her system was a “normal, therapeutic dose”.
Meanwhile, blood tests did find a “slightly high acid level in the blood”.
Dr Catherine Guy, a forensic pathologist, said: “Apple cider vinegar is a food supplement. There is not much information on the effect it could have.
“Obviously the vinegar is acidic and we don’t know how many she was taking at once.
“The only serious effects in the past have been when people have had a lot of vinegar.”
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It was noted the supplement could have reacted with her medication, but Dr Guy deemed it unlikely.
Apple cider vinegar has been used for thousands of years for various purposes, including for coughing.
Although research is lacking in the area, some believe drinking apple cider vinegar every day can aid weight loss .
But apple cider vinegar, which is made from fermented apples, yeast and bacteria, has a very strong taste and can be very acidic.
This can lead to enamel erosion, and some people choose to take apple cider vinegar pills instead.
There is very little research on the benefits or side effects of apple cider vinegar pills.
Although some studies found apple cider vinegar can lead to weight loss, reduced cholesterol levels and better blood sugar levels – there are some side effects.
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Consuming too much apple cider vinegar can cause indigestion, throat irritation and low potassium.
These are most likely to happen due to the acidity of the product.
Long term use of the product can also disrupt the body’s acid-base balance, according to Healthline.
The pills themselves have also been known to cause throat irritation.
Mandy Bone, Lindsey’s mum, explained how her daughter had consumed a tablespoon of cider vinegar after she ate for two years.
Now the mother wants to warn others of the dangers of dieting, pleading for people to “be careful”.
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