Drugs in road traffic: What is allowed?

Even if there is no legal alcohol limit for drugs: About a fifth of all medicines can impair Driving performance. If the physician advises against travel by the car, then you should be in your own interest and for the protection of other road users the car. What should I look for and what is allowed?

A patient whose doctor had advised against driving due to a cancer treatment from the car, asked the cancer information service according to whether there is a medication to limit that decides on the ability to drive. Dr. Susanne Weg-Remers German cancer research center replied: "Something like the blood-alcohol limit for alcohol, not for drugs. Many drugs show strong individual effects of the differences, so that the impairment of Driving ability can only be estimated. Therefore, we recommend to listen to the advice of the doctor – for your own protection and that of other road users."

The rules of the road, according to the doctor needs to assess the regulation of medicines, if the Driving ability is restricted and the patient, if necessary, to inform. A minute, the doctor can’t say ban, but he can report it to the DMV if a Patient is driving, even though he is disabled. To bear in mind is that the Car insurance pays in the event of an accident, the damage may be, if the doctor had pointed out the unfitness to drive. More money, threaten and / or imprisonment due to negligence, or even injury, if persons came to harm.

Instead of risking the driver’s license, there are some Alternatives: You can ask friends or relatives for help or use public transport. If a prescription exists, refund to health insurance funds up to a portion of the cost of public transport, Taxi or ambulance services. Bike, scooter, or similar vehicles are in Drive but not an Alternative and should be as the car left.


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