How did we get so lucky to get two carousels of Mahomes family photos in less than a week? Brittany Mahomes shared another round of pictures of her sweet family of four, and we are seriously feeling #blessed. The Mahomes crew posed for portraits with mom Brittany and dad Patrick dressed in all black and the kiddos — Sterling, 2 and Bronze, 5 months — dressed in white. Brittany posted this latest batch with a black and white filter, and it’s giving us a kind of JCPenney family photo chic we didn’t know we needed.
“All I could have ever dreamed of🥹🖤,” Brittany captioned the five photos.
The post opens with two pictures of the group of four. In the first, Patrick is sitting with Bronze on his lap while Brittany stands by his side with Sterling on her hip. In the second, Brittany sits with the infant on her lap and Patrick holds Sterling up right behind them. It’s the sweetest little lineup!
The final three photos are of Sterling prancing around the studio. Photographer Heather Smith captured shots of the toddler rocking a big toothy grin while she is mid-air, and she doesn’t just look like an angel, she also looks a whole lot like her dad.
Daddy’s Girl
Image Credit: Paras Griffin/Getty Images The second photo in the bunch has us seeing double. Patrick and Sterling don’t just share athletic abilities — he is the Super-Bowl-winning quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs and she has a budding soccer career — they also share the same wide smiles, high cheekbones, and sparkling eyes. Yup, they even shine through the filter!
Bored Baby
Image Credit: Joe Scarnici/Getty Images While his sister was taking over the stage, Bronze was secretly the star of the show with his hilarious unimpressed facial expression. “Cuties, Bronze looks like he’s questioning everyone and everything,” one follower wrote.
Maybe he’s questioning how he got so big so fast. We know we are! The five-month-old must take after his father who stands well over 6 feet tall. In one photo from pictures posted on Friday, Sterling holds her baby brother, and it’s clear he’s catching up to her in size.
First Family Of Photoshoots
Image Credit: Josh Hedges/Getty Images The Mahomeses may have been dubbed the “First Family of Football,” but we beg to differ. We think they are the “First Family of Photoshoots.” They just keep cranking out hits. First, there was the ethereal newborn shoot that took our breath away, now there’s this collection that’s absolutely timeless, and we justcan’t get to our “photo inspo” Pinterest boards fast enough.
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