Diabetes type 2 symptoms: The consistency of your stools is a sign of high blood sugar

Type 2 diabetes can be a 'devastating diagnosis' says expert

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Type 2 diabetes means the body cannot produce insulin or the insulin it does produce is not taken up by the cells. This is a serious health issue because insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar – the main type of sugar found in blood. Although blood sugar brings numerous health benefits, such as supplying the body with energy, uncontrolled blood sugar levels can inflict damage on the body.

One telltale sign of high blood sugar damage can be indicated in the consistency of your poo.

According to Diabetes.co.uk, diarrhoea can be a sign of autonomic neuropathy.

Autonomic neuropathy is damage to nerves that control your internal organs.

“If the large intestine is affected by nerve damage, you may experience alternating periods of constipation and diarrhoea,” explains Diabetes.co.uk.

How to respond

If you have autonomic neuropathy, it is important to keep your blood sugar levels under control as best as you can to help prevent further nerve damage.

Keeping your blood sugar levels within the range recommended by your doctor can be challenging.

“That’s because many things make your blood sugar levels change, sometimes unexpectedly,” explains the Mayo Clinic.

However, you can keep high blood sugar levels at bay by making healthy lifestyle changes.

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Carbohydrates are a key source of energy but they can cause blood sugar levels to spike.

It is therefore imperative to limit your intake of carbohydrates to ward off the threat of high blood sugar levels.

It is worth nothing that not all carbs present the same risk.

The type, and amount, you consume can make a difference to your blood sugar levels and diabetes management.

Evidence shows that the quality of the carbohydrates is more important to general health than the amount you eat.

To help you conduct a quality-check on the carbs you’re eating, you should refer to the glycaemic index (GI).

The GI is a rating system for foods containing carbohydrates.

It shows how quickly each food affects your blood sugar (glucose) level when that food is eaten on its own.

Carbs that are broken down quickly by your body and cause a rapid increase in blood glucose have a high GI rating.

High GI foods include:

  • Sugar and sugary foods
  • Sugary soft drinks
  • White bread
  • Potatoes
  • White rice.

Low or medium GI foods are broken down more slowly and cause a gradual rise in blood sugar levels over time

They include some fruit and vegetables, pulses and wholegrain foods, such as porridge oats.

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