Diabetes: The 10p herb that causes a ‘significant reduction’ in blood sugar – add to meals

Diabetes type 2: Dr Zoe Williams discusses high blood sugar risks

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A peer-reviewed scientific study assessed the impact of ingestion of a readily available and cheap herb on blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. The researchers included 60 patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at least six months prior to the research investigation. Patients were randomly given a placebo while others received 10mg of fenugreek seeds soaked in hot water throughout the day.

“Statistical analysis shows that there is significant reduction in fasting blood glucose levels in the fifth month in the study group,” the researchers noted.

While the effects did not become apparent until many months later, the scientists still concluded that fenugreek seeds are a good “simple complementary addition” to consider.

Moreover, the consumption of fenugreek seeds were said to have a “synergistic effect along with diet control and exercise” on fasting blood glucose levels.

The global diabetes community noted that fenugreek “is a key ingredient of curries and other Indian recipes”.

High in soluble fibre, fenugreek seeds help to lower blood sugar levels by slowing down digestion and the absorption of carbohydrates.

Numerous research studies have supported the notion that fenugreek seeds are beneficial for blood sugar levels.

The diabetes forum cautioned: “Before using fenugreek to treat your diabetes, consult your GP and diabetes healthcare team to ensure it is safe.

“As with other blood sugar-reducing herbs, there is the risk that fenugreek may cause your blood sugars to go too low when taken alongside prescribed diabetes drugs.

“As a result, the dose of your anti-diabetic medication might need to be changed.”

Diabetes medication

The NHS stated: “There are many types of medicine for type 2 diabetes.

“It can take time to find a medicine and dose that’s right for you.”

People are usually offered medication called metformin first.

Insulin, however, is only usually offered when blood sugar levels are not lowered after taking metformin.

There may be side effects to taking diabetes medication, such as:

  • Bloating and diarrhoea
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Feeling sick

Swelling in one or more parts of your body due to a build-up of fluid under your skin.

“If you feel unwell after taking medicine or notice any side effects, speak to your GP or diabetes nurse,” the NHS added.

Did you know you can get diabetes medication for free?

The NHS certified that diabetics are “entitled to free prescriptions” for diabetes medicine.

You can claim free diabetes prescriptions by applying for an exemption certificate.

This is known as a PF57 form and you can fill it in at your doctor’s surgery.

The certificate lasts for up to five years, but it can be renewed.

“Save your receipts if you have to pay for diabetes medicine before you receive your exemption certificate,” the NHS added, so that you can get your money back.

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